1010771_614221755311389_1688571365_nLast night animal welfare charity Andjeo Sarajevo were contacted about a tortured dog in Vlakovo, a small village north-west of Sarajevo. Someone had tied a wire around the dog’s neck and leg. When Andjeo Sarajevo arrived, they found a sad little female dog, weighing only around 10kg when she should weigh at least three times this much.

She was clearly frightened, afraid of her own shadow. A sharp wire was deeply embedded in her neck and leg.
7553_614221861978045_905436711_nWe don’t know how long she has howled, how long she’s been suffering like this. A long time. Her leg is completely atrophied, has developed sepsis and is deformed, with all the skin peeled back… a living horror. Andjeo Sarajevo caught her by using a low dose sedative, it was the only way as she was so terrified and would not let anyone close. They took her straight to a vet, and under the bright light on the vet’s table the poor dog’s horror was even worse.

1013925_614221125311452_898093697_nAndjeo Sarajevo write: “We couldn’t believe how far human malice and evil can go, how much people will take out their anger on animals…. The photos will tell you a whole lot more. According to the vet, this was done on purpose, the wire was so tightly embedded into the neck and leg that she couldn’t put her leg down, it just dangled in the air…. only she and the monster who did this to her know how long she’s been like this. Because of the injuries to the neck caused by the embedded wire, it’s possible she’ll never be able to bark again, she’ll never be able to let her voice be heard again… Her pain is immense.

body The vet said the leg must be amputated, and that her chances of survival are good. But if it is possible for her to ever trust people again, we don’t know. We need help to cover vet costs and her after care, and one day, when she is healed we must find her a very special home. 

1510801_614223261977905_328848485_n If you make a donation or can sponsor her care, (see below) please mark for “tortured dog.” She’s not been given a name yet, as soon as she has I’ll update this page.

Latest news, p.m. 21st January
She’s been named “Faith”.
“Our little fighter is a bit better today, the vet says chances are she will survive. Her leg needs to be amputated, it wasn’t done today because she was on a drip and received vitamins, we bought her sausage and yoghurt to eat. She is a real fighter and we really hope she will survive the amputation tomorrow. The vets don’t think she should be put down, they want to save this tormented soul and give her the chance to experience a bit of human warmth, kindness and love.”

Latest news, summer 2014
Faith has been in the UK in a wonderful home since April. She’s still very shy of people, but loves her two dog playmates, and is clearly happy. Her health is excellent.

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Funds are needed not only to help individual rescues and to help us keep safe the rescued dogs we are sponsoring but also to continue our advocacy work in Bosnia, uncovering the truth about what is happening there.

On our sister site, Animal Welfare Advocates for Bosnia, you can set up a monthly donation via PayPal, or if you want to make a one-off donation, please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: . Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog or cause, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.


  1. I am taken aback every day that the people of Eastern Europe especially are so evil where animals are concerned. I hope this little dog finds her forever home. I am in the process of adopting a little dog from Romania , to me she will be special because of everything they go through out there. If every animal loving person rehomed just one of these dogs , we could save so many.

  2. This evil rotten country,s should be thrown out of the European Unie,this cruel
    bastards need to be punished. May the rott in hel.
    When I have some more money I will donate.
    Is it possible to be a volonteer or something..I need to do something..
    we have to protect this poor animals against the real beasts in this country and Romenia
    Awfull sick bastards

    Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 18:24:26 +0000

  3. Bosnia and Herzegovina is full of barbaric lunatics who are far from normal. They must be taken and be severely punished for the terrifying torture done against the dogs in the country.!!!

  4. This vicious act of cruelty inflicted on this poor dog proves that there are people who do not deserve to live in this world! Their day will come sooner or later and will burn in hell for all eternity! Taking one’s anger, stress, poor self-concept or whatever it is on an innocent dog is the worst of the worst! Wish we could wrap a wire around these people and watch them suffer until they die!!!

  5. I am weeping…couldn’t see those horrific pictures!!!!!! Poor little angel…hope you’ll make it through and get to know love and care!!!!

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