A Day in the Life of an Animal Activist in Sarajevo

On Wednesday night Jelena Paunović and other animal welfare activists were notified about a dog in Sarajevo with a devastating wound. They were sent the following two photographs.


Jelena and others went to search for the dog – in an area very far from where most of them lived. But the dog was not found. They went out again yesterday as they heard about another dog who had been run over by a car. They looked for both dogs. The dog with the wounded jaw was not found. And today another search is being made for this dog, but as the dog has no lower jaw or tongue it will be a miracle if it has survived. We know nothing about this dog, how the wound happened.

It is a shocking reminder of what happened to Vučko almost exactly one year ago. If the dog is found, we will do everything to save its life. It is unlikely veterinary surgeons in Bosnia can help so it will require the intervention of an international animal welfare group or individual with a great deal of funds.


UPDATE DECEMBER 5 This poor dog was found, dead, in someones yard. Just devastating news. Even after a reward was posted, no one found him in time.


During the search, Jelena and the others fed as many stray dogs as they could. There are over 11,000 strays in Sarajevo. Winter is a very hard time for them, right now there is no snow, but thick snowfall happens every winter, and temperatures plummet to -20 or -30 degrees C. They found adult dogs and puppies, many of them.



When Jelena and her friend Jovanka started the car to leave for another area to search, one dog ran after them and so they pulled off to feed him. When they decided to go, the dog jumped into the car through a half opened window. He was in the car for some time but at the end they had to leave him. It is obvious that dog was left there, thrown out of a car, probably, and that he wanted to jump into another one and leave that place. Jelena said: “My heart was bleeding as we left.”



If you are asking why they did not bring the dog to safety: know that it costs 120 euros a month to put a dog into ‘pension’, and that Jelena already has nearly 20 dogs in pension, and she has no income. She and the other activists who work with her rely 100% on donations to keep these dogs in pension. If you read what Jelena writes at the bottom of this page, you’ll see her reasoning for what dogs she tries to save and the ones she leaves behind. It is always a very very difficult choice. Remember, there are 11,000 strays in Sarajevo. Only two state shelters which are overfull already, and no government support or spay-neuter program.


UPDATE DECEMBER 5 GOOD NEWS!! This dog has been rescued! Someone in the UK read this page and has generously offered the dog full sponsorship and adoption. Jelena sent out people to find the dog this morning, and he was found! Right now he is in Jelena’s care, until there is a place for him in pension where he can be prepared for travel. He’s been named ‘Billy’.


And then, they found the dog who was run over. They called him Sanny.


This is the story in Jelena’s words:

Today, Jovanka and I received a call to inform us that there was a dog hit by the car in one neighborhood in Sarajevo. We went there, seeing many dogs as we searched but all of them playful and unharmed.

EdogtrashAfter a long time searching Jovanka noticed an injured dog lying on the garbage pile in a ditch. The dog was almost buried under fallen leaves and covered by a bush. We could hardly get him out of there.

At a nearby gate was a very rude guy who lives there, he was very impolite toward us. He saw no point whatsoever in getting this dog out of there and getting him help! Most people here think dogs are unimportant. We managed to take dog out, pack him in the car and of we went looking for a vet station.

A vet a made X-rays and neurological exam. The X-ray showed that the dog’s lower part spine was shattered and there was not much to be done for him. In the end we had to put him to sleep as he had no chance to survive and get better. I spent most of the day with him; it was very exhausting and the only thing that stays as a question: was it worth it?”


Jelena was up at 5 a.m yesterday and went to bed well after 1 a.m. This is ‘normal’ for her and what happened yesterday was not an unusual day. You can imagine how physically and emotionally shattering it is for her and the other activists. I have a hard enough time just posting these blogs. I could not do what she is doing. She needs all the support she can get – not just in donations to help feed strays, rescue wounded strays and so on, but to involve international animal welfare organisations and EU governments to push the government of Bosnia-Herzegovina to make drastic changes to how they and the citizens of their country treat animals. See ACTION TO TAKE and, if you are able, please donate to help cover the costs of what Jelena is doing.


Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: donations@awabosnia.org as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


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This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. You can donate via PayPal and I then transfer the money to Bosnia. I can also give you the PayPal email address of my Bosnian animal welfare contacts if you prefer.  Even just one dollar or one euro will help.

Lilly, a street dog in desperate need of help

Jelena Paunović was contacted last night by Sanela Kotorić Etterle, who had found a street dog in terrible shape. Jelena went to help. The dog is in very bad shape. She has conjunctivitis, very bad teeth, enlarged lymph nodes, and she does not have full control of her body’s movements.

Jelena recognized the dog from her rounds of feeding strays, she’d seen her last winter. Looking much better than she is now.

They took Lilly immediately to a vet.  Blood tests showed that she has elevated leukocyte and low hemoglobin level.The vet said there is a possibillity that Lilly has advanced stages of nervous distemper. Tests to confirm distemper are not currently available in Sarajevo.  But Lilly’s temperature is normal, which is the good sign. It’s also possible she is has developed complications from tick bites. She recieved antibiotics, vitamins and an Imizol injection against Canine babesiosis, the disease caused by ticks.  There was no where to keep Lilly so they had to put her in a garage for the night.

Lilly is awaiting a space at King Pension, the only qualified pension in Sarajevo to deal with such critical cases. If she has an advanced case of nervous distemper, it will be a miracle if she survives, but if anyone can help it is Almir Kuduz of King Pension. He has managed to save the lives of many dogs on death’s doorstep. 

Can you help Lilly? She needs sponsorship for her veterinary care and stay in King Pension – the latter costs 120 euros a month (about 160 USD).


Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: donations@awabosnia.org as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


UPDATE NOV. 29 – Lilly has been moved to King Pension. Good news. Now she needs all our love and healing sent to her. And maybe someone can think of sponsoring her stay there?
UPDATE DECEMBER 22 – Lilly is still critical. He – he’s a he – is now paralyzed from the hindquarters. But Almir Kuduz of King Pension is doing everything he can medically, and is caring for the dog personally.
UPDATE January 1: I’m so sorry to say that Lilly had to be put to sleep yesterday morning. More details here.

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This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing.  Even just one dollar or one euro will help.


First the good. Jenny is doing much better. She is still very sick. Tests that could confirm she has distemper are not currently available in Sarajevo. But, with or without tests, distemper is only treated symptomatically and it is most likely this is what she has. The veterinarian’s conclusion was that Jenny would be fine had the owner of the ‘pension’ given her (and the Hreša puppies) adequate food. (If you don’t know the story of Hreša, here it is: Part One – Part Two – Part Three)

She was first taken care of by Jelena and her partner, Danijel, with IV fluids and medication and high quality food. Apparently she particularly liked salami, however! Then she went to King Pension where she could get more intensive treatment.

Now the bad news. This weekend Jelena was telephoned late at night about gunshots and a dog squealing in an area of Sarajevo. She immediately went to investigate what was happening – with Milena Malesevic in Adnan Smailbegovic, two animal activist volunteers. But they could find nothing.

However this is what was found later:

The dog had two gunshot wounds and a torn anus. I’m sorry to show these photographs and I am weeping as I write this but it is the reality of dog abuse in Bosnia.

The dog was a stray known to locals but apparently was taken to an area outside of the dog’s territory to be tortured and then killed. I have had no word of any action taken by the police. Dog shooting is commonplace in the country, in fact men are hired to kill dogs. It is very unlikely anything will be done to find out who did this appalling thing to this poor dog.

Update: apparently police have said posters will be put up about this dog to find out more. But as those who took the photographs told me: “in Bosnia, the police do not care for the dogs, too, daily is found dead, shot dogs.



Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: donations@awabosnia.org as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. You can donate via PayPal and I then transfer the money to Bosnia. I can also give you the PayPal email address of my Bosnian animal welfare contacts if you prefer.  Even just one dollar or one euro will help.

Jenny has distemper

Jenny has distemper. This is mostly likely what the puppies rescued from Hreša Shelter died of (If you don’t know the story of this shelter, here it is: Part One – Part Two – Part Three).

Distemper is a virus that affects a dog’s respiratory, gastrointestinal, respiratory and central nervous systems, as well as the conjunctival membranes of the eye. Serious infections are most often seen in puppies or adolescent dogs. Puppies younger than seven weeks, born to mothers who haven’t been vaccinated against the virus, are extremely susceptible. Once infected, puppies are severely weakened. Often the virus travels to the brain, causing seizures, shaking and trembling. A weakened immune system leaves an infected dog open to secondary infections like pneumonia.

There is currently no available medication that can destroy the virus that causes canine distemper. Supportive care is the mainstay of treatment. Veterinarians can offer intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration and antibiotics to ward off secondary infections while the infected dog builds up his immune response. Some dogs are able to survive the infection, while for others canine distemper can be fatal.

Little Frida also had a second vet examination… for her story go here. She’s looking better. I don’t yet have news of the examination but will update this page as soon as I can.

Please send your love and prayers for Jenny and Frida. Both these dogs will need forever homes, if you can help contact me.

Update: December 24, 2012
Jenny is doing better, she has put on some weight. But I’m sad to say that Frida died yesterday of distemper. R.I.P. Little one.

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Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: donations@awabosnia.org as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing.  Even just one dollar or one euro will help.


The 6 (surviving, one died shortly after rescue) puppies from Hreša Shelter have died.
(If you don’t know the story of this shelter, here it is: Part One – Part Two – Part Three)

In addition, Jenny, one young dog that was together with the puppies in pension, another of Jelena Paunović‘s rescues, is critically ill:
We are all shattered by this news. It couldn’t be worse, after everything that has happened.

The two adult dogs rescued from Hreša, Grace and Clooney, are – currently – fine. Grace was staying at the same pension as the puppies, but Clooney is at another one. Grace has been moved to another pension:

Jelena does yet know exactly what happened and why she was not informed earlier that the puppies were ill. It is thought the the owner of this particular pension has not acted in the best interests of the dogs. He had already moved the bodies of the puppies, to the dog pound, he has stated. The fact that Jenny is critically ill indicates the puppies were indeed ill (and not sold – as was feared initially, they were a kind of purebreed).

Right now please send all your love and healing to Jenny. We cannot lose her too.
Jenny was found by Jelena in earlier this autumn. She was a young puppy on the street, her leg broken… here she is, when she was found.

This is what she looked like just a couple of weeks ago:

And with Jelena:

And now:

All we can do now is pray for Jenny’s survival. She was immediately seen by vet tonight night but tests could not be done. These will happen tomorrow.

I will post more news as I have it. For now this is all we know.

If you have donated for the Hreša rescues, your money will be put towards saving more dogs from the horror shelters of Bosnia and helping save strays of Sarajevo. Please see posts below for the kind of incidents that happen every day. If you prefer a refund please contact me.



Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: donations@awabosnia.org as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing.  Even just one dollar or one euro will help.

Dogs and Puppies in City Park and Frida

A double post today.

First the dogs in City Park, Sarajevo. Jelena Paunović was notified as there are two puppies there in a very unsafe place.

They are living in a disused drain:

Sadly this is not at all uncommon: there are 11,000 + strays on the streets of Sarajevo. There are two adult dogs with them, one is certainly the mother.

More photographs of the puppies and the adult dogs in the slideshow below.

UPDATE November 27: I have been told that the mother dog is not the mother of these two puppies. That these two puppies have no mother….
UPDATE December 22: The two puppies were rescued and have found forever homes in Slovenia!

The costs for a puppy in pension are about 2 euros a day (about $2.60) depending where they go. An adult dog is 3-4 euros a day. Jelena has put a call out for fosters, but this is rare to never in Bosnia, only the animal welfare activists foster and they are full to the brim with dogs and cats rescued. If you can help save these dogs, please help:


Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: donations@awabosnia.org as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


Then there is Frida

Frida is another stray puppy. Found yesterday after a car accident. Jelena Paunović brought her immediately to the vet. Something is wrong with her hind legs…..in the slideshow below you will see a copy of the x-ray taken.

I don’t yet know the prognosis but will let you know. Funds are needed for her vet care and for her to stay in pension.

Update: December 24, 2012
I’m sad to say that Frida died yesterday of distemper. R.I.P. Little one.


Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: donations@awabosnia.org as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


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This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.

Saving Arca

While my focus these days is to tell you about the horrific plight of dogs in state ‘shelters’ (please see Horror Camps for Animals in Bosnia) every day there are crisis  cases found by Jelena Paunović and the other animal welfare activists. One that particularly touches my heart is Arca.

Arca is not even a year old. She was found on Sunday the 18th of November near one of Sarajevo’s gymnasiums. Her left rear paw is gone, dropped off from some awful injury (who knows what, probably a car accident), but healed, by itself, apparently without veterinary assistance. On the street.

But… she was found with a several day old terrible injury on her right rear paw. This injury had dead and infected tissue. The visible part of the bone had changed the color to gray, which is not a good sign or a good prognosis.

Throughout her body there are are less visible wounds, scratches and contusions. She could only move using her front legs, dragging her hind legs behind her. She was brought immediately to the vet and to King Pension which has an excellent record for caring for very injured dogs.

On Tuesday the 21st she was operated on. The wound was cleaned, withered tissue removed and much of the wound has closed. That which could not be closed will be treated daily until healed. Another veterinary investigation is scheduled for Friday.

Funds were raised to cover initial veterinary fees and her stay at King Pension (the latter costs 120 euros/ $155 a month), but she will need more funds to ensure she makes a complete recovery and can stay the winter at King Pension. As per usual in Bosnia, there are no foster homes available for this poor dog, but she needs such ongoing care that she is better off right now at King Pension. She will also need her vaccinations and to be spayed. Spaying costs approximately 80 – 100 euros, vaccinations 10 – 20 Euros each. She may also need a dog ‘wheelchair’ to help her get around if the new injury does not heal.

If you think you can offer Arca a forever home, please contact me. It is possible to adopt dogs out of Bosnia, into the USA or other parts of Europe. It’s difficult, but possible. Tinchicy, a disabled dog who was in a state shelter in Sarajevo, was adopted by Tracy Fry in Victoria, Canada, and Loppy – who you can read about here – will be soon in the UK with Sheila Prestwich. It takes a lot of fundraising and effort, but where there is love, there is a way.

Please donate to ensure that Arca receives all the care and time she needs and for a possible re-location outside of Bosnia (this costs from $500 – $1000), even just one dollar or euro will help.

UPDATE November 22: Enough funds have come in for 2 months pension and her veterinary care! Thank you everyone!

UPDATE February 22, 2013: Arca has been adopted in Slovenia, in a lovely home where she has the company of two cats and two dogs. All of them have some handicap, and are taken very good care of.


Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: donations@awabosnia.org as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


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Horror Camps for Animals in Bosnia

They are called ‘shelters’. I cannot call them this word. You know about Hreša.
If not, please read the following:
Part One 
Part Two
Part Three

The conditions entirely inhumane in most if not all state shelters. An animal welfare activist in Northern Bosnia states:

There is a dog pound in another municipality that is really not better than Hreša and they kill anywhere from 30-80 dogs there every month. As of two weeks ago communal/municipal police banned activists from entering the dog pound and helping dogs there and they ordered that at least 30 dogs should be “euthanized” there every month. Dog pounds are used to launder money from public budgets and they don’t want activists to poke around and witness how dogs are mistreated or abused at the dog pounds that they dare to call dog asylums/shelters. Population control and promotion of spaying and neutering as well as implementation of the animal welfare law is not in their interest because they want and need constant flow of new dogs through the dog pounds so that they can justify the funds spent each month from the budget. This is common knowledge amongst Bosnian animal welfare activists

In the case of the shelter in Hreša Jelena Paunović of Život BiH and other activists were not only prevented from taking a severely emaciated, suffering dog to veterinary care (see photograph above) but were violently threatened by the shelter manager. A Serbian friend who wishes to remain anonymous has stated she heard money had been stolen from the Hreša shelter funds during financial pre election manoeuvres.

I have access to images from the state dog shelter in Banja Luka, the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These images show dogs that were killed by injections of bleach and a dog killed by other dogs and dead dogs left amongst the living.

Banja Luka Shelter

Here is a video of images from Banja Luka (text in Serbo-Croatian).

The smaller of two state shelters in Sarajevo is called Gladno Polje. Senaid Memić, one of the municipality mayors in Sarajevo (Ilidža municipality), signed a contract with the Agricultural cooperative (website http://upizzilidza.com/) to build a shelter on land owned by the Agricultural cooperative. It was to house about 120 dogs. The land for the shelter belongs to the Agricultural cooperative. The municipality supplied money for the construction work and volunteers were brought in to care for the dogs, however volunteers also provided their own funds for the construction and they were involved in cleaning up one of the buildings that existed on the land: a chicken farm.

The Director of the agricultural cooperative (Almir Džanković ) accepted the contract with the municipality without the agreement of the volunteers and employees who would be ultimately responsible for the dogs welfare. Essentially, the employees were ‘given’ 120 dogs to take care of, with minimal wages and no funds to take care of the dogs.

Jelena Paunović attempted to interview Almir Džanković, the agricultural director, but he refused to answer any of her questions regarding who is actually responsible for the dogs and why no proper provision has been made for their welfare.

Gladno Polje Shelter in Sarajevo

The municipality gives about 2 500 EUR every month to pay salaries for four full time employees and to pay water and other bills. The employees have no health insurance, their salaries are paid in cash, and they are not involved in the paying of bills so they don’t know what actually happens with the money.

There are about 200 dogs in and around the shelter. It’s impossible to know the exact number because people constantly leave strays in front of the shelter. There are big and small dogs, about 60 puppies, healthy and sick dogs.

There are several really big problems.
– There is no money for veterinary care
– There is no spay or neuter program
– There is no heating during the winter
– There is not enough dog food

The employees and volunteers at the shelter are actually beggars on social networks. If they collect donations, 200 EUR or even more – it means nothing. One vaccine for one dog for an infective disease costs 10 EUR, one basic veterinary exam costs 10 EUR, antibiotics 13 EUR and so on. Vets in Sarajevo will not see a dog without funds upfront, and thus many die.

Because there is no spay / neuter program, most of dogs are always in their cages and never go out.

When winter temperatures hit -20 to -30 degrees. In the Shelter, dogs sleep on the concrete or wet boards. Once they had beds made out of wood, but since the dogs are closed in for the most of the time, they have either eaten the wood or it has disintegrated due to the water used to clean the boxes. Volunteers and employees of the shelter constantly beg for old clothes to be donated to them. Dogs and especially puppies especially cannot live like this.

Jelena says: “We owe the greatest gratitude for the survival of the shelter and the dogs to Sanela Kotorić Etterle and Adnan Smailbegovic, who fight the most for everything dogs need.

Gladno Polje

I have also seen images from the larger of two state shelters in Sarajevo, which show horrifically starving dogs. The situation is the same: no funds.

Regarding Hreša, the State Veterinary Office informed Dogs Trust in Bosnia a few days ago that the vet inspectorate responsible stated the shelter has been closed down by the local public utility company, even before the inspectorate had a chance to act, in an apparent effort to avoid possible legal sanctions.

Because there have been no prior inspection visits and because the shelter closed down before they could act now, the inspectorate couldn’t provide any more details.

Dogs Trust BiH state that they will continue following up on this, but as no result has, as far as I know, ever occurred regarding similar situations, I don’t hold up much hope.

In the meantime, the dogs in Gladno Polje desperately need food, veterinary care, and spaying and neutering.

The dogs rescued from Hreša need re-homing or sponsorship. Right now the monthly cost for the just the dogs rescued from Hreša is over  500 Euros (650 USD). And it is winter: there are over 10,000 strays in Sarajevo that Jelena and the other activists go out and feed or the dogs die – temperatures reach minus 30C.

Please help. I have drafted a letter for EU MEPs. I have a list of all EU MEPs email addresses. Go here for the letter and all information.

And please donate. If you have a specific issue you would like your donation to go to, please state it on the donation. 


Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: donations@awabosnia.org as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


Dogs at Gladno Polje


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. You can donate via PayPal and I then transfer the money to Bosnia. I can also give you the PayPal email address of my Bosnian animal welfare contacts if you prefer.  Even just one dollar or one euro will help.

Saving Sirotica PART TWO

Please see my post yesterday about Sirotica and about the breakdown of funds needed.

Sirotica – the lovely dog found with her throat gaping open in a terrible wound, most likely inflicted by owners of fighting dogs ‘training’ their dogs on her –  had her operation today:

No donations for her have come in.
UPDATE: November 22, 2012 
240 Euros have come in for Sirotica, Thank you everyone! It’s enough for 2 months at King Pension. We still need more donations for vaccinations, spaying and further stay at King Pension should no forever home be offered. Note that there are 17 beautiful dogs that have been rescued (not including the rescues from Hresa) that are in dog pension, and no foster or forever home…. that funds must be raised for otherwise they go on the street. if you are interested in adopting, please contact me. 

Please help – any amount will make a huge difference. If you want to donate via bank transfer, details are here. If you need receipts for proof of expenditure, these can be sent to you. Please help. Also if you can offer this lovely dog a forever home, contact me.


Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: donations@awabosnia.org as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. You can donate via PayPal and I would then transfer the money to Bosnia. I can also give you the PayPal email address of my Bosnian animal welfare contacts if you prefer.  Even just one dollar or one euro will help.

Saving Sirotica

Todays blog was supposed to tell you about the shelters in Bosnia, how horrendous they are, not just Hreša, and to update you on the Hreša situation (not much to update, unfortunately).

But as always a crisis case comes up.

This beautiful stray dog was left for 3 days before anyone thought to call for help. Jelena Paunović and other activists rushed the dog to the vet. Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. It’s very likely this was a stray dog used to train fighting dogs.

Sirotica is safe, at King Pension now, due to some luck as it is usually full. The activists were very happy when Almir, the pension owner, told them there is a vacant place since it is the best place in Sarajevo when it comes to injured dogs.

One day of stay at King Pension is 4 Euros – 120 Euros/$160 per month – and surgery tomorrow will cost between 35 and 50 Euros ($45 -$65). The vet exam today cost 16 Euros and transportation for the activists and the dog is 11 Euros.

With the recent rescues from Hreša (see earlier posts) and the 17 + other rescued dogs in pension and the desperate need for food for strays during the winter, funds are needed now more than ever. Please help – any amount will make a huge difference. If you want to donate via bank transfer, details are here. If you need receipts for proof of expenditure, these can be sent to you. Please help. Also if you can offer this lovely dog a forever home, contact me. ‘Sirotica’ means poor, as in poor dog. This is a poor dog, but perhaps a new home and a new name will make all the difference…


Please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: donations@awabosnia.org as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


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This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.