posterAs stated in my last post, the activists need our support with donations to help them in the next days to campaign. Any amount will help, no matter how small. There is a YouCaring fundraiser especially for this:

The activists have also asked us to do the following:

1. Send appreciation letters to Ms. Emma Bonnio Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy for all her support on enforcing the Animal Welfare Law in BiH. and

2. Please send letters to the UK Ambassador in BIH Nigel Casey asking him to follow in Italy’s footsteps in condemning changes to the law (twitter: @HMANigelCasey )

3. To continue to write letters (see Action to Take for details) saying how disappointed the international community is on the recent voting in the Parliament. That it’s shameful that the Bosnia-Herzegovina government votes for killing the animals while the EU’s Eurogroup for Animals (the leading voice for animal welfare at European Union level) are meeting in just a few days to put “Animal Welfare at the heart of the European elections.”

4. In particular, please send emails to:

EDIT NOVEMBER 22ND:  Activists are asking us to be careful with emails. “We need a new approach. We need a new strategy,” they say. It’s possible that angering the Ministers will backfire. I TRUST THIS ADVICE AS I KNOW THE MENTALITY OF THESE PEOPLE. SO FOR NOW PLEASE DO NOT SEND EMAILS OR FAXES TO BIH MINISTERS. PLEASE CONTINUE TO EMAIL EU MEPs, Embassies in Sarajevo and the EU Eurogroup/Intergroup, international welfare organisations!  DETAILS ON THE ACTION TO TAKE PAGE.

Mr. Zlatko Lagumdžija
Minister of Foreign Affairs in BiH

Mr. Zlatko Lagmudžija is president of the SPD political party which party has suggested changing the Animal Welfare Law.  So please email the party:

President of the SDP Party
Jasenko Selimovic
Chairman of SDP caucus at Parliament
General Secretary
Cheif President
International Department

And P.A.W.S has created a new petition:

Last chance for Bosnian animals. Please vote AGAINST the amendment that will allow the killing of stray animals




Funds are needed not only to help individual rescues and to help us keep safe the rescued dogs we are sponsoring but also to continue our advocacy work in Bosnia, uncovering the truth about what is happening there.

On our sister site, Animal Welfare Advocates for Bosnia, you can set up a monthly donation via PayPal, or if you want to make a one-off donation, please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: . Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog or cause, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.


564071_639840512705273_1640745443_nIf you have been reading this blog you know that the BiH Parliament is planning to change the existing Animal Protection and Welfare Law to allow ‘euthanasia’ of dogs held in shelters for more than 14 days without adoption (see our other posts if you think this is an effective means to curb stray populations, and what it really means – killing by horrifically inhumane methods (cheaper) and a reason to cover up continued corruption in state shelters where a continued influx of dogs means more money laundering).

1381160_10202424022544668_909629795_nThe proposal for these changes to the Animal Protection and Welfare Law was legislated in the first reading in House of Representatives of Parliamentary Assembly last night, October 28th. 18 representatives were for changes to the Law, and 12 representatives were against changes of the Law. 11 representatives were not present at the session of House of Representatives.

Further amendments can be proposed by 7th November. 

The responsible committee (the Constitutional-Legal Committee of the House of Representative. This Committee monitors the compliance with the BiH Constitution) will initiate debate on the proposed law and submit any amendments on the 14th November. 

1383443_639841189371872_791678674_nThe second reading of the proposed changes is then scheduled for 20th November. 

Should the responsible committee produce a report that accepts the proposed changes, both Houses (House of Peoples and House of Representatives) will debate the report and then vote on the proposed amendments. What follows will be a final vote on the proposed law in its final text.

Should the responsible committee disagree with the proposed changes that were voted for on the 28th October, there are two possible outcomes: this negative report can be accepted and the proposed law rejected, or the negative opinion can be rejected and the proposed law be once again returned to the committee for reconsideration.



1374259_639843986038259_1314581357_nTO BE HONEST, RIGHT NOW WHAT IS NEEDED MOST URGENTLY FROM US OUTSIDE OF BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA ARE FUNDS TO HELP THE ACTIVISTS CAMPAIGN. We have just days to assist the activists to make a final campaign to ensure the the amendments are voted against. They need funds for travel and other costs involved in meeting with relevant authorities and politicians and in costs involved in ensuring that all activists from all over the country can focus together; telephone costs; printing costs for campaign posters, flyers and much much more.


OR directly with Paypal to and mark for ‘ADVOCACY’






Funds are needed not only to help individual rescues and to help us keep safe the rescued dogs we are sponsoring but also to continue our advocacy work in Bosnia, uncovering the truth about what is happening there.

On our sister site, Animal Welfare Advocates for Bosnia, you can set up a monthly donation via PayPal, or if you want to make a one-off donation, please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: . Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog or cause, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.



Bosnian Parliament’s vote on the kill-law amendments to the Animal Welfare Act has been postponed until Monday.

Today’s session was largely taken up with discussion of the sacking of Mirko Šarović (who was one of the key players in the Bosnian government against amendments to the Animal Welfare Act…).


The Italian Government has asked the Bosnian parliament to reject the bill which was due to be voted on today in Sarajevo:
Bosnia: Italia chiede al parlamento di non uccidere i cani randagi

The Minister wrote that the “The foreign ministry, including through our Embassy in Sarajevo, will continue to follow with great interest the problem and intervene also in agreement with our European partners, to urge Bosnian authorities to maintain the current legislation and ensure effective enforcement….The deputy PDL Michela Vittoria Brambilla (known for commitment to animal rights) commented positively on the initiative of  Minister Bonino, hoping, stating that the government will do “Everything in their power to press for a European directive that excludes  killing and  all governments, EU and non EU – starting with Romania and  Spain – who delude themselves by fighting with the killing of stray animals.”


You can find who your MEP is by clicking on to this map: ‘Euromap’. Click on your country, you will be given a page of MEPS. Click on the first name. Look on the right hand side of the webpage where, in most cases you’ll see something like this:
Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 21.43.37Click on “E-Mail” and send them the letter below, addressing them directly by name, and signing it with your name and your address. Go back to the list and repeat until you have sent the letter to all the MEPS in your country! THANK YOU!


As you certainly know, Bosnia Herzegovina is about to vote on changes to their Animal Welfare Act, changes, which if implemented, will have dire consequences for stray dogs.

The existing no-kill law, although not implemented, is a good, humane and enforceable law.

So far, only the Italian Government has intervened on BiH’s stray dogs’ behalf: the Italian Ambassador in Bosnia, Mr Ruggero Corrias, asked BiH politicians to not change but to enforce the existing law. Please see:

Voting on amendments to to the Animal Welfare Act has been postponed for Monday 28th October. This means that we have some more time to lobby the authorities in BiH.

I ask you to follow the Italian example and strongly urge the Bosnia-Herzegovina government to not change the law but rather to start actually enforcing it.

Professor Selma Filipovic, Head of the Department of Surgery, University of Veterinary Medicine in Sarajevo has stated that Calls to kill are despicable moves by political lobbies in order to buy sympathy from the public.”

If proposed changes become effective, euthanasia would be performed within 15 days from a stray dog’s arrival in a shelter. This may sound an effective way to deal with a burgeoning stray animal population, but please read on. There exists extensive documentation on how BiH ‘shelters’ ‘euthanise’ animals: by clubbing, injections of bleach and so on. These are cheaper, easer methods to implement. So you can be sure that if the existing animal welfare law is changed, such means of ‘euthanisation’ will become commonplace.

Studies on management of stray dog and cat population are unanimous in that euthanisation is not the most effective way to control populations. Euthanasia deals only with the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. It is expensive, inhumane and will not provide a permanent solution. Studies have shown that TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) and CNR (Catch-Neuter-Return) programmes are far more effective (and far more humane) than euthanasia to reduce the street animal population.

Dalida Kozlic, lawyer and activist in Sarajevo has recently stated:

What is the background to the proposal to euthanize stray animals? Money laundering! This proposal provides carte blanche for mass killing of stray animals, and to abolish the responsibility of lower levels of government, the veterinary profession, inspections and police for their four years of inaction in the lack of implementation of the existing Animal Protection and Welfare Law. This proposed provision is intended to mask the massacres of stray animals: politically eligible persons construct so-called shelters for stray animals, which have a function of the concentration camps, and then invoice for false spay/neuter programs, for food that will never be given to animals, for veterinary examinations and treatment, and at the end they invoice for euthanasia. In reality, the stray animals will be killed in worst (cheapest) possible ways, by the methods on which the medieval Inquisition would be envious.”

The solution to the problem of stray dogs is compulsory registration of all dogs and cats, punishing irresponsible owners, sterilization, strengthening cooperation with citizens, improving the situation related to the number of shelters and adoptions, as well as training veterinarians and inspectors. The system to the solution is actually contained within the existing Animal Welfare Act.

Please join with Italy and publicly condemn Bosnia-Herzegovina’s proposed changes to the Animal Welfare Act and demand that they enforce the provisions of the law.

Kind Regards



Please also write a similar E-mail to  the Animal Welfare EU Intergroup:
President: Dan Jørgensen
Honorary President: Carl Schlyter
Honorary Secretary: Marit Paulsen


Kriton Arsenis
Jacqueline Foster
Nadja Hirsch
Elisabeth Jeggle
Jörg Leichtfried
Kartika Tamara Liotard
David Martin
Sirpa Pietikäinen
Raül Romeva i Rueda
Daciana Sârbu
Michèle Striffler
Janusz Wojciechowski

And please keep sharing the petitions! So far we have managed to collect 62,226 signatures of the petitions on 1228 pages, and we will be updating these on Saturday night.

And The Huffington Post has just published an article on the situation in Bosnia Herzegovina. Finally the word is getting out! Canine Cruelty in Bosnia

1386008_10202389001709169_828181205_nPlease join the Facebook Event for latest news and updates: STOP BOSNIA FROM IMPLEMENTING KILL LAW

Please help activists continue their campaigns by donating via PayPal o – mark ‘for advocacy’

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Funds are needed not only to help individual rescues and to help us keep safe the rescued dogs we are sponsoring but also to continue our advocacy work in Bosnia, uncovering the truth about what is happening there.

On our sister site, Animal Welfare Advocates for Bosnia, you can set up a monthly donation via PayPal, or if you want to make a one-off donation, please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: . Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog or cause, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.



Last night activists plastered Sarajevo with posters campaigning against the kill-law. Also, they have managed to print and send to the Parliament over 62.2226 signatures of petitions on 1238 pages. Thanks to everyone who donated to help with the costs! If you can help with ongoing advocacy please donate via Paypal to – mark for ‘advocacy’.


Here is the latest news from someone actively involved in the campaign in Sarajevo:

“In the worst case scenario that this proposal is passed in the 1st reading [Thursday 24th October] this would mean we have 15 days to the 2nd reading and then we declare open special war. But just I hope it won’t come to that!”

1392013_10202424044505217_1476952051_nThe ‘war’ will not be over on Thursday even if the proposed changes are not implemented. Strategic goal number one is to stay focused on the most important thing and that’s enforcing and implementing the existing animal welfare law even if it gets amended and changed to allow killing of dogs after 14 days in shelters.

In ALL RESPECTS the existing animal welfare law is good but IN ALL RESPECTS it is not implemented!

For example, the existing law states that dogs should have adequate facilities and care in public shelters. As anyone knows who has been reading this blog the shelters are HORRIFIC. So even if the authorities pass a law allowing killing of dogs after 14 days, the shelters are acting illegally by the fact that conditions are entirely inhumane. And this is only one of many such instances of transgressions of the law.

531970_10202233846710391_1820098175_nDonna was found in Doboj “shelter,” at the end of September during one of the investigations of such ‘shelters’ by activists. She was lying in her own excrement, in the filth that is the ground all the dogs there must live in. Her flesh was crawling with worms and she was unable to walk or stand. Inspite of best efforts by activists who rescued her from the “shelter”, she died two days ago.


On Thursday Bosnia-Herzegovina Parliament will vote on changing the Animal Welfare Act. If these changes are implemented, it will not only be ineffective in dealing with the stray dog problem but will mean untold suffering for thousands of strays. Please read the posts listed below especially BOSNIA ABOUT TO IMPLEMENT KILL LAW! where you will find details of how to help stop changes to the law. We need your help URGENTLY.

Please join the Facebook Event for latest news and updates: STOP BOSNIA FROM IMPLEMENTING KILL LAW – critically we need you to write letters to your MEP, to the Bosnian Tourism Authority, to Embassies. All details on ACTION TO TAKE.




Funds are needed not only to help individual rescues and to help us keep safe the rescued dogs we are sponsoring but also to continue our advocacy work in Bosnia, uncovering the truth about what is happening there.

On our sister site, Animal Welfare Advocates for Bosnia, you can set up a monthly donation via PayPal, or if you want to make a one-off donation, please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: . Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog or cause, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.

Massacre of Stray Dogs in Kalinovik, Bosnia

1393096_639840386038619_1541944362_nAs if there weren’t enough reasons for the world stand up in outrage about the imminent, proposed changes to the Animal Welfare Act in Bosnia:

Yesterday there was a terrible massacre of stray dogs in streets of Kalinovik in Republika Srpska at 9:30 a.m. It is alleged that local authority Mayor Mrs. Milena Komlenovic hired hunters to go around the town and kill dogs. Allegedly the hunters were paid 30-40 KM per dog – around 15-20 Euros. The person who reported it found 10 dead dogs and two wounded dogs hiding. But there is mixed information about what happened – one source says it was act of an individual on a killing spree and other say it was organised by the Mayor.


Article on
The slaughter of stray dogs on the streets of Kalinovik
English translation here.

1395433_639843722704952_1486846109_nAnimals were killed near the POLICE station in Kalinovik and carcasses of animals killed were not removed even a few hours after the commission of the offense..The use of firearms for the purpose of shooting stray dogs and strays is a criminal offense under the Criminal Code Causing general danger, any further indiscriminate capture and killing of animals is a violation of the provisions of the Law on the protection and welfare of animals..

1374259_639843986038259_1314581357_nThe following was sent by NOA, Association for the Protection of Animals Bosnia & Herzegovina, to officials and representatives of authorities including police ministry (some personal information deleted):

“Citizens of Kalinovic town phoned and sent emails to us (NOA) on 20 Oct. 2013, they reported that at 9:30 AM an unidentified person shot to death 10 stray dogs in the very town centre (Karađorđeva street) which is close to police station Kalinovik, knowing that the number of killed animals at least 10 shots should have been heard. Killed dogs were lying in the streets for at least four hours. It is not known to us who took the bodies away and where they were taken and the bodies could be evidence.

Among many phone calls we received from Kalinovik citizens who provided us with relevant information was call of Mr. Borko Cerovina [who lives in …} and who is willing to confirm and validate all information that he has.

During afternoon hours at time when police shifts are changed, I contacted the shift leaders (the first and the second shift) of polic564071_639840512705273_1640745443_ne station in Kalinovik and I insisted that my report about the incident gets registered following the standard police protocol and procedure. I gave my personal details to police officers including names of my mother and father.

Since one of the dogs survived and has been wounded we contacted veterinarian in Kalinovik, Mr. Damjanac and we asked him to provide veterinary care to the dog. Mr. 1384076_639842712705053_1974880654_nDamjanac informed us that a woman from Kalinovik has been taking care of the wounded dog and stays with her and that the dog was injured by buckshot which means that a hunting rifle was used in an attempt to kill it. I believe that Mr. Damjanac can give you official confirmation about the nature of the wounds. You can contact vet. Damjanac.

Based on information and photos that we have forwarded to you and that without any doubt confirm that illegal killing of stray dogs took place in a settlement, we make an appeal that you start an investigation and identify culprits of the criminal act.

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In four days Bosnia-Herzegovina Parliament will vote on changing the Animal Welfare Act. If these changes are implemented, it will not only be ineffective in dealing with the stray dog problem but will mean untold suffering for thousands of strays. Please read the posts listed below especially BOSNIA ABOUT TO IMPLEMENT KILL LAW! where you will find details of how to help stop changes to the law. We need your help URGENTLY. 

Please join the Facebook Event for latest news and updates: STOP BOSNIA FROM IMPLEMENTING KILL LAW




Funds are needed not only to help individual rescues and to help us keep safe the rescued dogs we are sponsoring but also to continue our advocacy work in Bosnia, uncovering the truth about what is happening there.

On our sister site, Animal Welfare Advocates for Bosnia, you can set up a monthly donation via PayPal, or if you want to make a one-off donation, please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: . Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog or cause, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.

Prijedor Dog “Shelter” – Another Bosnian Atrocity

1386008_10202389001709169_828181205_nThe following is a translation of the article published yesterday on Shelter dogs in Prijedor

dogs“Here is one of many similar – or exactly the same! -stories about the sad life of shelter animals and the negligence of authorities.

The only shelter for stray animals in Prijedor area is located on Kurevo Hill, on the local landfill, eight kilometres away from Prijedor. The shelter opened in 2009.

According to official information, since then, for four years, they have killed 2000 dogs.

1382302_10202389000389136_1180234904_n“In spite of many organizations for animal rights and animal welfare repeatedly stating publicly the horrible conditions in Prijedor dog “shelter“, the situation is unchanged and has remained the same for years.

When you visit the shelter, it’s not unusual to see dogs eating dead dogs, or to see dogs starving, freezing or dehydrated,“ said our interviewee who wants to stay anonymous for their safety.

1379781_10202389004869248_2098327275_nFor the shelter’s maintenance Prijedor municipality allocates 108 000 KM (about 55,000 Euros). If that money actually is used for the dogs is still under question. Our interviewee, harshly judged the authorities who, in her own words, “treat dogs extremely cruelly and inhumanely.”

I was the witness when dog catchers from Komunalne Usluge company caught a dog with a gripper and, while the dog still had that cable around its neck, the worker threw the dog into the trunk. The dog’s neck had been broken and everything happened in front of children. Can you even imagine how many similar cases happened that no one witnessed? For animal abuse, no one is held responsible and especially the authorities are not held responsible,” claimed our interviewee.

1381937_10202388999709119_621588778_nLocals say that dog catchers mainly catch dogs early in the morning. For the constant problem of a large number of stray dogs on the streets, locals blame the people from the abroad (local people who work abroad and come home for holidays) who seasonally “adopt” dogs, and later leave them on the street.

Another major problem are hunters who experiment with inbreeding hunting dogs, as well as combinations of different breeds of working dogs. All unwanted puppies are left on the street. Also, their own dogs are usually free to walk around on street and breed with strays.

1382302_10202389000389136_1180234904_n“In some parts of the municipality towards Mount Kozara there are packs of wild dogs that kill sheep and owner’s dogs in the yard. When the dogs wander into the hunt zone, hunters just kill them all. On the other hand, there are places where such dog packs are far away from hunting area and shelter workers should act to catch these dogs as a priority. However, they claim that they cannot do anything with these dogs because they are neither equipped nor trained to catch them. There is no need to mention what problem they represent because nothing is being done to control the population of dogs in general.

1379787_10202389002909199_1658533155_nThe streets are still full of abandoned and abused animals, and for the four years of the shelter’s existence and over 2,000 dead dogs later, the problem is still there.  Nothing is achieved by killing, ” says our interviewee.

The Law on the Protection and Welfare of Animals has provided measures to control the population of stray animals and to prevent irresponsible ownership in the Prijedor region, as in many other parts of B&H, but nothing has been done about it. Spay and neuter programs don’t exist, there is no register of ownership of dogs and cats. Irresponsible ownership is not prevented, nor are there any training programs on the need for humane treatment of animals.

Zoran Bulić, the manager of the working unit “Deponija”, who is also in charge of the dogs’ shelter, told us during a phone conversation, that, due to bad experience with the media, he did not want to give any statements via telephone. He asked us to deliver the questions to him in writing, but even after we have delivered inquiries in writing Mr. Bulić failed to respond.”

1383848_10202385804669245_1943685907_nThe photo above was taken in January 2012. It was taken by a man from Ljubija town (Prijedor Municipality) who wanted to drop off puppies at the shelter that he found near his home. When he arrived at the shelter he saw that dogs inside the shelter were eating a dead dog. He took pictures and returned home with the puppies that his wife took care of and found homes for throughout 2012.

The following photographs were taken at the ‘shelter’ 2011:

In six days Bosnia-Herzegovina Parliament will vote on changing the Animal Welfare Act. If these changes are implemented, it will not only be ineffective in dealing with the stray dog problem but will mean untold suffering for thousands of strays. Please read the posts listed below especially BOSNIA ABOUT TO IMPLEMENT KILL LAW! where you will find details of how to help stop changes to the law. We need your help URGENTLY. 

Please join the Facebook Event for latest news and updates: STOP BOSNIA FROM IMPLEMENTING KILL LAW


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Funds are needed not only to help individual rescues and to help us keep safe the rescued dogs we are sponsoring but also to continue our advocacy work in Bosnia, uncovering the truth about what is happening there.

On our sister site, Animal Welfare Advocates for Bosnia, you can set up a monthly donation via PayPal, or if you want to make a one-off donation, please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: . Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog or cause, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.

Doberman And Puppies Left To Starve In Locked Garage

1377239_560380610695504_423618532_nAndjeo Sarajevo, animal welfare activists in Sarajevo, Bosnia have saved a Doberman and her puppies from certain death. They were locked in a filthy garage with barely any food or water for who knows how long. This is their story:

We received a telephone call from people saying they heard an awful sound of whining and barking from a garage and that dogs inside have been locked in for months now, with no care other than some man coming once a week, sometimes only once in 2 weeks, bringing maybe a litre of milk. The people who called us didn’t have an idea what kind of dogs were locked inside or how many there were. They called us, hoping that we can help these dogs and to help them, because they couldn’t sleep from all the noise and because of the smell they couldn’t even open a window.

We went to the location and saw 2 shut garages, locked. There was an indescribable barking and moaning coming from inside, a cry for help, like they are dying in misery. We thought about breaking the door immediately, but in the hope the police might help, without us having to break into private property and get God only knows how high a fine, we called them. When they came and when we explained to them in detail what is going on, they only looked at us with a grin and asked, “Why were we called?”… We were left speechless. We could hear the moans of poor dogs and they were laughing at us, because it was “Only dogs”. They made a report and told us to go to the vet inspection and left.

So we were back at the beginning and we couldn’t hear the cries of the helpless dogs any longer, so we broke into the garage. When we opened the door, we had something to see. One purebred poor DOBERMAN girl who is a living skeleton, she has no meat on her bones, and her 8 little babies. We were shocked and we didn’t know what to do, while the poor puppies and her rushed to the outside to the light of day.. It was an awful sight to see. Our assumption is that someone has her for breeding and selling her babies, but she has been impregnated by a non-purebred dog and these babies are not “real Dobermans”. So he decided to lock her in a garage until both she and her babies die in agony.”



Andjeo Sarajevo managed to get the dogs out and then to King Pension, the best pension in Sarajevo, where all dogs were immediately seen by a vet and given proper food and care.
970387_675361272474152_396855341_nSadly inspite of best efforts by everyone, one of the puppies died. It was just too late.

1382934_566321933434705_470037224_nBut the others are doing well. HELP IS DESPERATELY NEEDED HOWEVER. The cost of keeping this family at King Pension is 480 Euros (650 USD) a month. This is a lot of money, but I can attest that they will get the very best care there. Almir Kuduz, who runs King Pension, is an exceptional man who has taken in some of the direst cases, bringing the dogs back to health. But it can’t be done for nothing. If you can help, that would be wonderful – just one euro or one dollar – it all adds up. Please mark your donation for ‘the Doberman family’.



Ideally of course we need to find a long term home for the whole family. If you can help please contact us. It would have to be in Europe as the cost of bringing these dogs to the USA is too high.
545249_675361939140752_1504462432_nWe are very wary of someone wanting the purebred mother and not the mixed breed puppies, so we need a real dog lover, someone who will not simply get rid of her puppies and sell or use the Doberman mom for breeding. We cannot let any of them suffer any more!

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Funds are needed not only to help individual rescues and to help us keep safe the rescued dogs we are sponsoring but also to continue our advocacy work in Bosnia, uncovering the truth about what is happening there.

On our sister site, Animal Welfare Advocates for Bosnia, you can set up a monthly donation via PayPal, or if you want to make a one-off donation, please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog or cause, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.



And the same one on – it’s important to sign both, thank you!

I have a translation of the article mentioned in the previous blog, (BOSNIA ABOUT TO IMPLEMENT KILL LAW!). This article covers the debate in Parliament on October 3rd and is written by a supporter of the animal activists. When you read it, remember that the government representatives and in particular SDP representative Nermina Zaimović Uzunović (who originally presented a Bill on changes and amendments to the Animal Welfare and Protection Act at the assembly on July 6 2013) behaved as if they heard none of the facts, explanations of the cause of the problem and how to remedy the problem.

“Killing will not stop people from abandoning animals, and that is the cause of our situation; it is what leads to an increase in population. We should not succumb to small temptations, big goals are reached with small steps.”


Adnan Ucambarlic 
03/10/2013 (photo by Nedim Grabovica)

131003077.1_xl Organized by the Constitutional-Legal Committee of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly held a public hearing on the application of the Law on the protection and welfare of animals, which should help in finding solutions to the burning issue of a growing population of street dogs in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Four years after the law on the protection and welfare of animals came into force, the constitutional committee House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina is faced with the non-implementation of the law, people’s dissatisfaction and a growing population of street dogs, which is why today’s public hearing has been requested and organized today. Transcript of the debate and its results will be submitted to the House of Representatives, in order to make decisions.

In June, the Parliamentary Assembly received a proposal of Amendment to the Law on the protection and welfare of animals, which is still in the legislative procedure.

As early as February, a number of the representatives February launched an initiative asking for an analysis of the implementation of the Law, the results of which were available only in September. The analysis confirmed that the law was good, but it was not being enforced. Meanwhile, Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović, a member of the House of Representatives, proposed amendments to the Law. The debate has been launched in order to get instructions from the public what the measures should be.


The law is absolutely enforceable

State Veterinary Inspector for the control of animal welfare, Inga Dujmovic, explained that we are currently in a phase where we finally have to sit down and discuss problems related to this Law. This discussion of the Law is an examination of our behavior towards the animals. Although the effects and contributions of the Law may seem negligible, it is the basic system offering solutions for the protection of animals and the decisions should be acquiesced to, even when they do not seem to be perfect at the time. The Law IS enforceable, but the information from the field indicates that the system does not exist. The fact is that the SVO (State Veterinary Office) partially failed, since it has not issued regulations on identification of dogs and cats. This identification system is essential in order to punish irresponsible owners, as they are the cause of this problem.

The question we need to ask is who produces irresponsible owners. We do: those who do not report irresponsible owners, as well as those who have not made a census of the animals,” said Dujmovic.

Legislation on identification would help organize shelters, beside the necessity that each municipality has information about the population of dogs at their disposal, which is important for disease prevention. After assessing the population, it is necessary to do triage on the ground and to neuter and spay the animals, she said.

Killing will not stop people from abandoning animals, and that is the cause of our situation; it is what leads to an increase in population. We should not succumb to small temptations, big goals are reached with small steps,” Dujmovic said.


Professor Selma Filipovic, Head of the Department of Surgery, University of Veterinary Medicine in Sarajevo, is also involved in finding a solution to this problem by enacting legislations and participates in a number of projects related to the problem of dogs. She states that, after four years of non-enforcement of the Law, this issue deserves to come to a public hearing.

Calls to kill are despicable moves by political lobbies in order to buy sympathy from the public, on the basis of inaction. Without analysis, they turned on the weakest link – street animals. This debate is an opportunity to dispel myths about the Law as well as to resolve the issues of responsibility and of who profits from the current situation, and finally, to agree on how to proceed,” Filipovic said.

The Law,” Filipovic continues, “is being held responsible for the problem and is deemed incomplete and non-enforceable. However, this problem did not come to existence in 2009 by the enactment of the law, but is rather the result of many decades of bad practice and elimination of consequences and not of the actual cause of the problem, as well as poor veterinary practice. There was never a desire to prepare the ground for the Law, and four years later, it is absolutely enforceable.”


“A stray dog is always the consequence, not the cause of the problem; a fact recognized by Law. Program of population control is a form of treatment of this problem, just as well as neutering and environment control are. The most important thing is to identify ownership in order to solve this problem. There are also means of sterilization, education and control of waste, all scientifically and empirically proven methods, implemented by dozens of countries. Street dogs are not strays, but abandoned animals,” Filipovic stated.

Increased number of dogs is direct result of non-selective implementation of the Law, and one of the causes is also the one-year period after the Law was brought in, when mass sterilization should have been carried out.

There is also the difficult economic situation, the issue of being able to afford a dog. With the bad economic situation in our country, it is difficult for a family to adopt a dog.

“The method of killing is unacceptable in the world today. Desire for a quick solution is the result of lack of information. Also, examples of badly-managed shelters are numerous: look at Prača, which is more like a concentration camp. If we keep shifting responsibility and continue with the non-enforcement of the law, there will be no quick solution, even with amendments,” Filipovic added.

As a possible solution to the problem, Filipovic suggested urgent registration of dogs and cats, punishing irresponsible owners, sterilization, strengthening cooperation with citizens, improving the situation related to the number of shelters and adoptions, as well as training veterinarians and inspectors. The system to the solution is contained within the Law; a problem that has been created over decades cannot disappear overnight.

Killing is neither humane nor civilized, and we will condemned by the EU. We are pursuing integration and repeating genocide,” Filipovic said.


Micro chipping and registration as a solution

Sanda Ljubic of Association “Stop Bite” sees the animal protections activists as associates in finding the solution to the problem, and the citizens as the weakest link. In her opinion, the Law is not good, as it implies that all fishermen or bullfighting fans were violating it, and the relevant institutions are not able to implement it.

As Ljubic further states, the only driver of the implementation of the Law is the court, i.e. bite victims. Many municipalities do not want to build shelters without amendments to the Law.

Ljubić is for micro chipping and registration of dogs, but also for limiting the period for which the dogs are put up in shelters. She further states that the Law is indeed necessary, but one according to European standards, and that it should be amended now, to prevent major consequences.

Professor of Ecology at the Veterinary University in Sarajevo, Abdulah Gagić states that ecology is an area within which the Law should be revised, and says that nobody had ever consulted him when making it. In his opinion, the Law was issued in cooperation with civil associations, and his main criticism is that it was viewed from the aspect of man, the culprit and generator of this problem. He states that even sterilization is a violation of one of animals’ basic rights ­‑ reproduction, and is therefore not “protection of animals”. He requested that euthanasia be implemented as the solution to the problem. As objections to the Law he listed omitting facts about halal and kosher slaughter, and animals that are not as exposed to the public.


Citizen Mia Ožegović said it was devastating that the Law is being discussed four years after its enactment and not one year. The Law has never been explicitly implemented, which is the responsibility of its enforcers. Ožegović is of the opinion that the dogs should be removed from the streets and the Law should finally start being enforced, and that each municipality should have its own shelter.

“We cannot find homes for all the dogs being brought in; hence, we have to address the consciousness of people. Also, the dogs should be registered and selling dogs should be done responsibly, especially when dealing with dangerous breeds. Killing of dogs is not going to achieve anything, and the money inappropriately spent on shelters will not be spent on adequate execution of euthanasia,” Ožegović said.

Project leader of the British organization Dogs Trust in B-H, Anel Bećirović said that Dogs Trust, in addition to considerable resources, also brings knowledge.


Unique database is required

The Law contains advanced and effective provisions for identification and control of dog population, like the ones used in European countries. That is why we decided to come to B-H. Dogs do not belong on city streets, and the problem should be dealt with legally prescribed solutions. The problem is not the law itself; euthanasia is being allowed by it in as much as five cases, thereby the safety of citizens is protected. If animals as defined in those five cases were euthanized, healthier ones adopted, and the rest were to be medically treated and returned to their habitat, the problem would soon be solved,” Bećirović explained.

He also pointed out that it is necessary to urgently create a unique database of registered dogs, and that the problem lies in the people who create it, an in those who do not sanction it. Amendments to the law would not yield results, and they do not reflect a professional approach, since they deal with the consequences and not with the problem. Also, the amendments are not financially viable, as they would result in additional costs of euthanasia, which is five times more expensive than sterilization.

“Legal measures take longer, but they are far more efficient. On April 8, the Council of Ministers adopted the decision that the Law is absolutely enforceable, and I appeal for its immediate implementation, as all of us have one goal,” Bećirović added.

The only lawyer dealing with legal protection in cases of abuse of animals in B-H, Dalida Kozlić also stressed the importance of micro chipping, establishing ownerships of dogs as well as penalties. She believes that penalties are very important because it is one way of imprinting in the citizens’ consciousness what is bad and what is not. She also pointed to the problem of money-laundering by the authorities, as well as to the fact that daily costs for a dog in a shelter are not 153 KM, as being stated, but about 50 KM, depending on the size and medical condition of the dog.


“Main culprits for the lack of implementation of the Laws are veterinary inspection, police and prosecutors. Veterinary inspectors have directly violated the Law, and some even go as far as to publicly say that it is unenforceable and, as such, should not be to implement,” Kozlić said.

President of organization Friends Mostar, Aida Čizmić also believes that the Law is definitely enforceable, and that the problem is dogs, but it is created by man. Čizmić too believes that a central database and registration of dogs are vital, just as micro chipping, sterilization and education, as well as introduction of penalties for irresponsible owners and officials.

Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović, Parliament member who proposed amendments to the Law, said that she was disappointed that the discussion focused on the implementation of the project “assigned to B-H by the queen”, and that the current way of solving it has proven unsuccessful, resulting in more and more dogs every day. The Law has not solved the problem and municipalities cannot implement it. A solution fitting the citizens, not organizations needs to be found. In her opinion, maintaining the Law is in financial interest of people who are fighting for it.

Citizen Stevan Drašković believes that the Law is unsuitable because people have become the endangered species, and lawyer Goran Jeftić claims that is not enforceable, as “it is not normal”. He states that, prior to the enactment of the Law, five thousand dogs were killed in Zenica every year, and that sterilization and consequent return to the streets are not normal.

“How can dogs and cats in the countryside be registered, when I cannot be found by a postman? The system does not function. This can only be done in well-organized Europe,” Jeftić said.

Mayor of Travnik, Admir Hadžiemrić, said that was up to him to enforce the law and create a compromise between animals and people, and added that he had been implementing sterilization for two years.

“I am not bias towards either side, but let us enforce the Law or to make it enforceable,” he said.

Adnan Ucambarlic 


Please join the Facebook Event for latest news and updates: STOP BOSNIA FROM IMPLEMENTING KILL LAW




Funds are needed not only to help individual rescues and to help us keep safe the rescued dogs we are sponsoring but also to continue our advocacy work in Bosnia, uncovering the truth about what is happening there.

On our sister site, Animal Welfare Advocates for Bosnia, you can set up a monthly donation via PayPal, or if you want to make a one-off donation, please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog or cause, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.



Pas ugiba Foto Bug ba (10) It is crucial that everyone, especially in Europe, lobby their embassy and MEPs and also write letters to international welfare organisations.  We need to keep the momentum, with press, meetings, lobbying and letters.

On Thursday the 3rd of October the Bosnia-Herzegovina Parliament held a debate on whether or not to change the existing animal welfare law to allow ‘euthanasia’ of dogs held in shelters for more than 14 days without adoption (see below if you think this is an effective means to curb stray populations).

Those opposing the change in the debate (local representatives from Dogs Trust, various pro-animal NGOs, ordinary citizens, veterinary experts from the Veterinary Faculty, professors, lawyers) spoke out strongly to oppose the changes. They took more room and were in all ways more articulate than those recommending the change. See this article on ( translated here: The problem of street dogs in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The solution is in registration, sterilization, and Punishment.)

However, the government representatives and in particular SDP representative Nermina Zaimović Uzunović (who originally presented a Bill on changes and amendments to the Animal Welfare and Protection Act at the assembly on July 6 2013) behaved as if they heard none of the facts, explanations of the cause of the problem and how to remedy the problem.

It will be hard to keep the law as is. The next 2 weeks are critical.



And the same petition on – it’s important to sign both petitions, thank you!


There are other petitions you can sign.

What is even MORE important right now is to lobby your embassy representative in Bosnia Herzegovina and at home, and the Bosnian Embassy in your country, and your EU Member of Parliament.

Write a PERSONAL, POLITE LETTER asking them to strongly urge the Bosnia-Herzegovina government to not change the law but instead to start actually implementing it! (For a full translation of the existing law, please download this PDF.)


Find the Bosnia-Herzegovina Embassy in your own country:

Find your Embassy in Bosnia-Herzegovina:

Find your MEP and write a personal letter to them as well.
See here to find any MEP in Europe –  ‘Euromap’.

Also on the  ACTION TO TAKE page there are further links and suggestions of particular MEPs to write to. Make sure to end your letter with your name and contact details. 

We need to keep the momentum, with press, meetings, lobbying, letters. Please also write to any and every international animal welfare organisations you can.

A key member of the animal welfare lobby has stated:

“We need to play this smart, plan good timing for every action and save some ammunition for the days and weeks to come!”


If you are from the UK, you can mention in your letter an incident concerning SDP representative Nermina Zaimović-Uzunović, the Member of House of representatives of Parliamentary Assembly who proposed amendments to the law.  Nermina Zaimović-Uzunovi said she was disappointed the discussion focused on Dogs Trust and their project (spay-neuter of 3000 strays in June 2013 in Sarajevo) which was financed by “the Queen” – and that Dogs Trust only worked in their own interest and this interest was financed by the “Queen”. Instead of acknowledging the good work done by Dogs Trust, and at great expense, she dismisses it, and certainly does not acknowledge that if her changes come into effect, the 3000 dogs sterilised by Dogs Trust will probably be killed. What a waste!


If you have been reading this blog (see in particular this post, and this) you will know that to reverse or change the existing law (which, although not implemented, has an excellent basis for a humane management programme) for a kill law will be a disaster for a number of reasons, not least of which:

  •  It will damage Bosnia-Herzegovina’s international image
  •  It will fail
  •  It will allow wholesale murder of stray dogs and cats

We already have documentation of how ‘shelters’ tend to ‘euthanise’ animals: by clubbing, injections of bleach and so on. So you can be sure that if the existing animal welfare law is changed, such means of ‘euthanisation’ will become commonplace.


Also, the studies on management of stray dog and cat population are unanimous in that euthanisation is NOT the most effective way to control populations. Euthanasia deals only with the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. It is expensive, inhumane and will not provide a permanent solution. Studies have shown that TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) and CNR (Catch-Neuter-Return) programmes are far more effective (and far more humane) than euthanasia to reduce the street animal population. Please read this post for more information.

295623_587838614561266_1046506254_nPlease join the Facebook Event for latest news and updates: STOP BOSNIA FROM IMPLEMENTING KILL LAW




Funds are needed not only to help individual rescues and to help us keep safe the rescued dogs we are sponsoring but also to continue our advocacy work in Bosnia, uncovering the truth about what is happening there.

On our sister site, Animal Welfare Advocates for Bosnia, you can set up a monthly donation via PayPal, or if you want to make a one-off donation, please go to your PayPal account (or set one up, it’s very easy) and send the money to: as a ‘gift’. Click on the image below to be taken to PayPal’s home page.


Or if you want to use the customised PayPal form, click the link below. However, a transaction fee and a percentage (2- 5.4%) will be deducted by PayPal for any contribution made.

If you want your contribution to go to a specific dog or cause, please make a note in the PayPal comment box. If you wish to contribute via bank transfer or have other difficulties or questions, please go here.


This site is dedicated to Vučko. Read his story and don’t let him have suffered and died in vain. Please help the stray dogs and cats in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The situation there is utterly dire, Vučko is but one amongst many horrifically abused animals. Go here to find out how to help them.  Money is needed for food, medicine and foster housing. Even just one dollar or one euro will help.